Friday, August 3, 2007

What does it mean to be a young malaysian?

As we know, young malaysian is refer to the youth of Malaysia or we called the country's youth. They are full of dream, potential and energy. In every aspect of society, we have those who lead and who are led; those who manage and who are managed. Every young malaysian has his or hers own goal, some of them group together to work and achieve their goals. In case of that, there are some young malaysian who work for the money they can make and those who work for charity, just for the well-being of their society. In my opinion, no matter what we are doing, we have to believe in what we are doing and do what we belief in. This will help us keep away from the negative activities.

However, the level of respect has been decreased, if we compared our young malaysians nowadays with the young malaysians of 20 years ago. There are some young malaysian who is ego and self-centred. They do not show their respect and caring towards the elder and folks, or even their friends. I think that is because they do not want to put themselves into others' shoes. Therefore, we should be stop being naive and always considering others feeling. We have to show our respect not only to others, but ourselves too.

Nowadays, hardly a day passes without a crime being committed. Many college students have become the victims of the social ills, especially the young ladys. They has been raped, robbed or even killed. I strongly believed that young malaysian should be prepared themselves to play a bigger role in crime prevention. We not only need to stay away from social ills, but we need to tighten discipline with the help of teachers, parents and authorities concerned. We need to improve our ability to protect ourselves too.

As a young malaysian, i think we should be grateful due to we can live in this peaceful and harmony country. We can find many different races and religion in Malaysia, so
we should be more understanding of others religion. In this case, school has to play a bigger role to help young malaysian more understanding each other's religion. Anyway, people have to fully understanding about what he is practising, before he can tell to others.

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